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What is Microsoft Teams?

Best way of working for Finance & other teams ...

Microsoft teams is the ideal place for your (Finance) team to collaborate. Teams enables your team to work without ever to leave Teams. Work, communicate, chat, find files, everything you need is easy to work with is in Teams. On this page you can see which standard solutions are available in Teams for finance.


Open Microsoft teams and at the left column you will see the navigation with the options Activity, Chat, Teams. Meetings en Files

  • Activity = group activities and your activities,
  • Chat = communication with the team members
  • Teams shows your teams , even in another Tenant.
  • Meetings replaces Sype voor Business.
  • Files is very usefull to find your files without searching. Example used is Finance team using Financial Suite

Col 1: Options = Navigation within the teams

Col 2: Details from the option as Channels

Col 3: Tabs in the teams

Options, Channels & Tabs in Microsoft Teams

With this icon you can open conversations and get access to all icons in this group.

Tab: Conversations per team


 The left icon has a function called Emojis that you know from your smartphone. To emphasize your words you can now use stickers  to add to a chat. Gifs will be available soon.

Tab: Meet now = Tab Conversations


Does Microsoft Teams replaces Skype for business?

The right icon enables the meet now option for your team. Your team member are shown and you can select them. Pick 1 and connect. For now it only works if that team member has opened Teams, it doesn’t work when your team member only has opened Skype for business.


How can I use Teams and You Tube videos?

If you want to share an interesting video you have 2 options. Open a channel with videos about e.g. Teams and link these as shown.

On the left hand site of the video from may 2018 about Teams you can see the new options that are coming soon.

Own videos with Stream

How can I share my own videos using Stream?

For sharing your own videos you can use Stream. Upload them in Stream and connect Stream with a channel in Teams. We share our courses in a channel.

Option: Files = most recent files

How easy is it to find and update my documents in Teams?

A piece of cake with the files option. Click on files and you see all your recent documents! No need for opening Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc, simply edit them in Teams. Click on a document with the right mouse button (windows mouse). Click on the 3 dots next to the document and choose how you want to edit the document. It opens, word, Excel etc. You edit the doc, when saved it is immediately on the right place. Easy, isn’t it

Tab: Connect tab with SharePoint

How do I connect Teams with SharePoint?

All Financial Suite solutions are made in office 365 / SharePoint Online. This is how you can connect SharePoint with teams. If you wish Your team doesn’t have to see that the solutions are in SharePoint.

Option Teams: solution for a Finance team

How do I find the supporting documents at period end closing?

Direct access to a period for document upload. Choose Open in SharePoint for copy, move and other SharePoint options

Tab: Supporting Documents

How can I see if my teams will manage to make the deadline?

In the progress tab all tasks and their status is directly available. Closing, reviewing and auditing a task is very easy. A click on a button is enough. Progress of the closing process is shown on the top of the page and displayed in the traffic light colours.

Tab: Progress

How can I share my procedures with my teams?

The QA tab enables the maintenance and sharing of (financial) procedures, processes and working instructions. A member of your staff can maintain and publish all documents. Documents are shared in a comprehensive way. See the image.

Tab: QA Management

How can I follow up my contracts in Teams?

Add a contract on the fly, and metadata can be added later. Use the option “Click here” from the picture below or use this icon  to open SharePoint.

Tab: Contracts

How can I find all data about my organisations in Teams?

Company manager is the corporate housekeeping solutions that can be shared in Teams. Share documents from your organization(s). All information about board members, minutes, publications, advisors is available here. Example use case :Company Manager is used by a holding with 60 subs in 40 countries.

Tab: Company manager

Can I open my accounts without leaving Teams?

Accounting software or ERP software with an url can be opened with Teams.

Tab: Your accounting software & ERP

Why is the Finance team working in Microsoft teams?

All applications from bookkeeping to SharePoint to Outlook etc, can be opened in Teams!! I just can stay in Teams to open and work in the application. Just so Simple!


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